The Board of Directors has passed the first reading of changes to By-Law #5 and By-Law #9 in their February 24th Board meeting. The proposed changes are summarized below.
- A new provision is added to section 2 of By-law #5. This by-law would now have an additional subsection that reads as “2.1 Eligibility. All members of the Board, both voting and ex-officio, must be members of the GSA-UW at the time of their election or appointment.” (N.B. all other subsequent subsections of section 2 would remain the same, but their numbering would be updated to accommodate the new provision).
- An additional provision is added to section 2.1 of By-Law #9. This by-law would now read as “2.1In order for a nomination to be valid, a nominated individual must not violate the eligibility requirements listed in the Act, GSA-UW by-law, and the GSA-UW policy.”
The above changes will be presented to Board for a second reading at a later date.