Bus services will resume on Thursday, May 11. No fares will be collected from May 11 – 22. For the latest updates on the status of transit services, visit www.grt.ca/updates.

Haunted Story Walk

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 @ 7:30 pm


Come face your fears on our haunted story walk! Stroll along Laurel Trail at night and stop to listen to creepy stories along the way.

Registration Details:
To maintain social distancing we require that participants register online for a specific time slot to enter the walk. Each time slot is spaced 10 minutes apart and the walk will take approximately 40 minutes to complete. Click on “Select A Time” and choose your time slot (from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, 5 tickets limited per time slot).

Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/haunted-story-walk-tickets-124692615971

Prior to the event, you will be provided with an information package with details regarding where to enter the walk, links to the stories, and various important safety information. Participants are asked to bring their own flashlight and story listening device (e.g., cell phone).

COVID-19 Agreement:

Stay at least 6 feet apart from others at all times, wear a mask, do not interact with other groups ahead or behind you, and complete a COVID-19 self assessment prior to arrival (see https://covid-19.ontario.ca/self-assessment/). We also ask that all participants do not approach the walk entrance until it is your entry time and leave the event area once you have completed the walk and have collected your goodie bag at the exit. We will update precautions or cancel this event if required by health officials and the University of Waterloo. Anyone found not following the rules will be asked to leave immediately.

Upon registering for this you event you agree to the following statement: “I acknowledge that despite the safety measures, the University of Waterloo Graduate Student Association (GSA) can not guarantee that I will not come into contact with COVID-19 prior, during, or after this event and I will not hold them or any of the staff members at this event liable in the event that I do come into contact with COVID-19. I also promise to follow all of the safety measures in place at this event (e.g., staying 6 feet away from others at all times) to protect myself and others.”